Groucho parrots the wrong song -
With Rick Santorum in a Tailspin Republican insiders are beginning to wonder if he can withstand the ever increasing bad new. If Santorum self-destructs before the primary Bill Shuster is positioning himself to pick up the pieces. One "inside the beltway" player told us that with the Libby Indictment we need a backup for Rick Santorum. Rick has been very close to Bush, the "Kill Social Security" effort and even figures in the burgeoning Plamegate scandal. Shuster can raise money has good name id and is far from the scandals. The only problem is, "Can he beat Casey?" J. Lanford Budd
"OUT OF THE SHADOWS? Anyone on the mailing list of U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster has to wonder whether the Republican has his sights set on a higher post.
Shuster, of Hollidaysburg, knows the power that comes from veteran status in the House. His father, retired lawmaker Bud Shuster, was a legislative dynamo who, during a 30-plus year career in the House, may have built more roads and bridges as chairman of the House Transportation Committee than any man, living or dead.
But Bill Shuster is putting out vibes that he just may be readying himself for bigger things.
Check out these headlines attached to press releases from Shuster's Washington office: "Shuster to be key player in National Security," "Shuster calls for strong standards for U.S. identification card," "Shuster wants incentive-based policy in Gulf Coast," "House bill focuses on personal responsibility," "Shuster calls for detainees to remain at Guantanamo Bay" and "Shuster ... wants debate on immigration."
Heady matters for constituents of his rural district, which spans from Cumberland County in the middle of the state to the outskirts of Uniontown in Fayette County.
But the congressman's spokesman, Salvatore Mazzola, said the releases "highlight" his boss's "rising star status in Congress" and no imminent promotions.
"He is very focused on his job getting things for the 9th District, Pennsylvania, and the nation - in that order," Mazzola said.
"Congressman Shuster is not seeking higher office, but never say never."
To which one might reply: Does Bill prefer the view from the Susquehanna (the governor's mansion) or the Potomac (the Senate)?"
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